EPF cheats

How to become an EPF Agent :

First you need an invitation to join the the epf, Then go to the ski village.

      Then go into the everyday phoning Facility.

Next hit the target that appears in the upper-right hand corner :

then walk to the green square that appears in the bottom-right hand corner, then on 3 run (Errr... waddle) to the red square in the bottom-left hand corner as fast as you can.

Next, step away from the red square. then the screen will ask you how well you can hide. Wait for the cameras to go off before hitting camera no.2 (upper left hand corner) with a snow ball, and hiding behind the pillar in the bottom-left hand corner.


after that you'll get your score and be able to the EPF HQ (location classified)

                                                   Field ops cheats
hey guys sorry that we haven't updated this lately. the new field ops came out yesterday and is a fairly easy one, but really hard to find. Its located in the snow forts towards the upper left hand corner, but be sure to watch the video anyways. (please note that the code in the video is not the same for anyone. you have to figure that part out yourself.) Good luck with it Agent!

hey guys. CP just released a new Field op . we are continuing to lure herbert out of hiding.

Today the F-O is to try put EPF software into an unpluged machine, and get this we've got to

draw attention to ourselfs by wearing EPF gear! Anyways today's F-O is located in the

 unpluged red arcade game in the night club lounge. to get past it you have to complete a

 firewall hack. the game fairly easy but sometimes can be difficult. good luck with it Agent!

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